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Coopers - Carbonation Drops
Coopers - European Lager - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Coopers - Lager - 40 Pint Lager Beer Kit
Coopers - Mexican Cerveza - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Coopers - Real Ale - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Coopers - Stout - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Beer Bottles - 500ml Plastic PET - Brown/Amber - Screw Top - 24 Pack - Coopers
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Coopers Bottle Caps for PET Beer Bottles - 25 Pack

Coopers beer kits have been in production since the early 1970's!  But, don't forget that they are also a HUGE Australian brewery and beer brand in their right.

They have a wide range of beer kits that are easy to brew and make up to 40 pints of great tasting beer in just a few weeks.

We have the full range of the Coopers beer kits in stock, try making one of their IPA, Pale Ale, Stout or lager kits.

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